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Seleccionamos productos que te cuidan

In addition to seeking the highest quality in the finishes of our work, so that your hands and feet look radiant, we choose products that take care of the environment and are free of toxicities.

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Herramientas esterilizada

After each service provided, we sterilize the tools used, with a professional hot air sterilizer at more than 200 ° C. This eliminates any trace of viruses, bacteria or fungi. 

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Innovative products and services 

If you want to always go to the last, Cocco Salón is your place. We care about getting the latest trends and the most innovative products, such as Voesh gloves and socks, or Russian manicure.
Do not forget to visit us and you will see how we always have something new to surprise your friends.

Your satisfaction is the most important 

We want you to enjoy your beauty moment at Cocco Salon. We have designed a comfortable and beautiful environment in which you feel comfortable.
Have a coffee or tea, a snack, charge your mobile, reserve your data with our fiber optic Wi-Fi ...
And of course, that your hands and feet are perfect.


El microblading es una técnica de maquillaje semipermanente, cuyo objetivo es corregir o reconstruir completamente una ceja
en  Cocco Salón  puedes encontrar el

Resultado más natural


Conoce nuestro Spa con


VOESH New York fue fundada con amor y un objetivo elevado.

Proporcionar productos de cuidado de la piel limpios, higiénicos, seguros y de calidad para que los asistentes del salón disfruten de su spa,y para los profesionales que saben que sus clientes merecen el mejor producto y servicio.

Meet our Russian manicure

Elegance along with meticulous precision is what characterizes the Russian Manicure

 Unlike traditional manicure techniques, Russian manicure is done with a lathe or an electric file.